The Enemies of Beautiful Skin

The Enemies of Beautiful Skin

Collagen and elastin are the two fibres found in our skin that are responsible for its youthful appearance. Collagen provides strength, while elastin gives our skin its stretchability and snap-back. Maintaining good levels of both fibres is crucial for healthy, strong skin. However, certain lifestyle and dietary factors can damage these fibres. By avoiding these harmful factors, you can keep your skin looking beautiful for longer.

Enemies of Collagen and Elastin

Smoking & Sun Exposure
Both smoking and excessive sun exposure degrade collagen and elastin. While using sunscreen is vital to protect your skin, it’s important to note that sunscreens aren’t 100% effective and may give a false sense of security. Many sunscreens protect against burning but not against aging. Boost your sun protection by using our Suncare Lotion, wearing wide-brimmed hats, and seeking shade whenever possible.

Elastin is particularly affected by dehydration, making it essential to keep your water intake up. Hydrated skin maintains better elasticity and appearance. For more information on the importance of staying hydrated, read this article about water and vitality.

Lack of Sleep
A lack of sleep is a significant factor in the breakdown of elastin, as is stress. Getting enough sleep helps you cope with stress and supports your skin's repair processes. 

Sugar contributes to collagen degradation. It oxidises and attaches to collagen fibres, causing them to become entangled and inflexible. Reducing sugar intake can help preserve your collagen. While cutting out sugar can be challenging, substituting refined sugar with natural sweeteners can be beneficial. 

Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates, such as white flour, white rice, white bread, pasta, cakes, and biscuits, are processed quickly by the body, resulting in blood sugar spikes similar to those caused by sugar. Replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grain options can help maintain your skin’s health and appearance.

By being mindful of these factors and making informed choices, you can help protect your skin’s collagen and elastin, keeping your complexion youthful and radiant. For additional support, consider trying our Bestow Collagen Boost.

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